Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Age of AI

The Age of AI

     Within our society, new ideas have been proposed regarding artificial intelligence and new technological advances that could revolutionize the way we live, work and function. While these ideas can be extremely functional - they have the ability to speed up work processes, make day jobs easier, and create possible new pathways or approaching the job market and hiring processes. 

    However, not all Artificial Intelligence is inherently good. There are many risks with using AI, some practical, some ethical, and some which even invade on citizen privacy. One of the most prominent concerns with AI would be privacy protection. With the technology we currently use - social medias, the internet, etc., there is already a problem of privacy. Facebook is notorious for data mining and selling user data to different companies. Data mining is able to track user's personal choices, buying habits, and friends/followers' habits. Sites such as Facebook only scratch the surface when utilizing the beast that is Artificial Intelligence. There are very few regulations on AI, since it is fairly new. Because AI essentially runs off of personal data, if AI is introduced to the wrong entities, it could potentially be used to carry out identity theft. 

    AI entities are also extremely susceptible to mistakes. These mistakes can be as simple as containing embedded biases on the internet, or as large as endangering human life by incorrectly piloting a self-driving car. I feel as if privacy and security protection are extremely important, especially when dictating by technology, but when it comes to technology dictating the safety of human life, that is where it becomes a significant issue. A self-driving car could contain defects, some which may go undetected in routine services and inspections. A vehicle which is automated by a computer can easily be affected by rain, snow, or sensor error, causing potential danger to human life inside the vehicle. 

    National security is even at risk when AI is involved. Different governmental bodies have incorporated Artificial Intelligence into their legislation. According to the Department of National Security, AI is essential to completely protecting our nation. Within warzones, fully autonomous ships, enemy facial recognition, and automatic computer machinery is beginning to guide the battlefield and assist our country in regaining militarial victory.

    Overall, I think that with any technology, there are pros and cons. With AI, the same applies. I think that as citizens and the nation as a whole, we need to be aware and not give in to Artificial Intelligence as our main source of thinking. 

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