Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Founding Era

The Founding Era

SCOTUS: From Founding to Today

After taking AP Government in high school, learning about the Supreme Court is till very interesting to me. From learning about the different justices to the structure of court hearings, I think that the Supreme Court has been one of the best governmental establishments since the U.S.'s founding days. 

Image result for scotus images

What did you not know about SCOTUS?

I did not know that they receive more than a hundred new cases every week. That shocked me, because the more public, well known cases are the ones usually referenced and talked about, and there are way fewer of those monumental cases for the country. I would not have guessed that over a hundred cases get submitted to the Court per week. I also didn't know that most of these hundred cases are petitions sent in to the Court, arguing that the ruling received from a lower court was incorrect. 

Most Important Takeaway:

I think that one of the most important takeaways from these videos and articles would be that without the Supreme Court following their constitutional purpose, which would include making decisions that abide by the constitution and establishing a common sense of trust with American citizens, is what keeps America one of the most free countries in the world. The unspoken contract of obedience to SCOTUS by the people ensures safety, security, and privacy-which, when violated, leads to chaos and uncertainty. T believe that SCOTUS is what keeps us free, and without an ethical, fair court, America will have many problems. 

Any Surprises?

I think a surprising fact that I have learned about SCOTUS would be that the public's view of SCOTUS has turned more negatively over the years. Whether this be because of decisions made, the justices' personal views, or just pure distaste for the Court in general, I feel as if this contradicts with my takeaway, emphasizing the fact that without mutual trust, things will fall apart. 

I think that this video opened my eyes to how much the justices dedicate their lives and opinions to the Supreme Court and their duties. They have to compromise their personal opinions at times for the good of the common person, and for the good of the case's outcome. I think that the Justices have an extremely important job to do that is not always one hundred percent appreciated by the general American public. 

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